"Each man binds himself; the fetters are ignorance, laziness, pre-occupation with self, and fear. He must liberate himself, while accepting the fact that we are of this world, so that in summer we sweat; in winter we shiver."
                                                                       Bruce Lee

THURSDAY APR 26: Another beautiful sunny day in Toronto. Early part of the day go cancelled out for me, so hung outside in the yard with the dogs. Started day Smudge, Lying Series Yoga & Meditation. Extended Stretching. Abbreviated Body weight Workout- 2 Sets each of: Standard Push Ups, with Hanging Scapular Rotations, with Pistol Squats/ Negative Only Chins with Deep Bar Push Ups and Side Pistol Squats. Did some deep stretching and then Kickwork. Partial Fast. Dog Run to gym. Outdoor workout with Matt. Gave me a chance to be a little more active and be outside, whish I love. Home to Break Fast & hang out with dogs. Back to gym. Stopped eating by by 9 pm. Walked Momo with Iaijutsu Cutting Practice. TV and old Zatoichi movie to wind down. Included Iaijutsu Draw and Breathe.
FRIDAY APR 27: Shaky night with very little sleep. Today started out as an active rest day. Smudge. Lying series Yoga. Then I had an intake point with a new Therapist. Still seeking help with PTSD. She was wonderful and it was a wonderful session, but it was draining for me to talk about my past with as much honesty as I could muster. Had a lot of support from a friend. Diet wasn’t great, but didn’t over eat and stopped by 8 pm. Beginning of Fast. Walk Momo with cutting practice. Finished off the night with Iaijutsu Drawing and Breath Practice. Then yet another Zatoichi movie to wind down.
SATURDAY APR 28: Got very little sleep. Restless, woke up early & couldn’t fall back. Decided to make the rest of it. Smudge. Started day with Dog Run to Townson Fitness. Seated Series Yoga. Extended stretch. Iaijutsu Draws for speed and power: Mei, Front. Migi, Right. Hidari, Left. Reverse Grip. Reversed hand Draws. A few clients. Been avoiding any type of over the counter pain killers or anti-inflammatories, during this phase because I was using so many during the Shingles outbreak. Today was a real challenge. But I did do it. Had another Stretch Workout followed by more Iaijutsu work. Completed the work on the various draws. One more person. Then home to a healthy diet. Stopped eating by 9 pm. Walked Momo with Cutting Practice.  Iaijutsu Draw & Breathe. Read to wind down.

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