It's interesting that the sign of Spirit of Destruction should come hand in claw with Atí:ron, Raccoon, who is known to carry the Spirit of Destruction. Raccoon often leaves Destruction and chaos in her wake. We are often fearful or hateful when faced with bringers of Destruction and Chaos, but they can clear our paths and clear our vision of those things we are blinded by. Often when something is taken away from us, Destroyed or lost, we are blinded by the pain of that loss. We fail to see and feel the opening of the way that can come with Destruction and loss. We fail to remember that loss and Destruction are essential elements of play. We cannot play a new game until the old one is ended. We cannot know the joys of discovery and exploration without the possibility of getting lost. We cannot see what is in front of us if we are clinging to the things that are behind us. In so many spiritual traditions the bringers of Destruction are also the mothers of creation. For me, today, most of all, Spirit of Destruction and Atí:ron invite me to let go and see what is in front of me rather than clinging to things of the past.

#spiritofdestruction #shamanoracle #shaman #oracle #oraclecards #raccoon


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