“If you do not change direction,
you may end up where you are heading.”
Lao Tzu

SUNDAY JUNE 24: A shaky night of sleep. Tooth ache kept waking me up. Lots of tossing and turning. Started the day out with a Smudge, Standing Series Yoga & Meditation. Began Partial Fast Saturday at 9 pm. Continued it today. Dog Run to Townson Fitness. 1 Trainee. Then MMA Class. A few more Trainees. No time or ability to train myself. Tried to be active during this week’s sessions. Able to stay reasonably alert despite feeling pretty awful. Home. Broke Fast 8 pm. All very healthy. Finished by 9 pm. Walking Momo, with Cutting Practice. Iaijutsu work. Mei Only. Both sides Draw. Reverse Draw, both sides. Felt calm and focused. Too tired by then to do much but watch TV to wind down.  
TUESDAY JUNE 26: Got a decent night’s sleep, I think. Part of getting older is an obsession with being able to sleep, because it comes with such great difficulty with each passing year. Dealing with my PTSD hasn’t helped. I am absolutely certain that it will in the long run, that on the other side of this is a better, stronger me. But right now. a whole bunch of stuff is getting shaken loose and that too is causing me to lose sleep. Had some time to work out before going to the gym. Partial Fast. Started the day Outdoors in the beautiful sunshine. That definitely helped to wake me up a little. Smudge, Meditate, Bodyweight Plyometric HIIT Circuit(Slightly reduced. Didn’t have a lot of time): 2 Giant Sets Each of: Rebound Sprints, with Drop and Catch Chins(See previous post for a description of this exercise) x 20 with  Rebound Plyo Push Up Bounces(Pushing off the Rebounder from the Top Position) x 20, with 20 Straight Leg Rebound Plyo Jumps/ Rebound Wide Leg Sprints with Push Off Chins(Pushing off upwards from a horizontal stable object and catching myself. You can do these standing, from a kneeling position or with your legs back away from the object to increase or reduce difficulty) x 20 with Full Rebound Plyo Push Ups x 20, with Rebound High Knee Jumps x 20/ Rebound Boxing and/or Grappling Change ups x 50 each Lead, with 1 Arm Row Position Drop and Pull (You can do this by Dropping Backwards and Catching yourself on a strongly stationary object. You can adjust the difficulty by how far your stand back and how much weight you allow yourself to catch, from very easy to very difficult. Just make sure that the object that your grabbing is very strong and very stable. I use a railing at an intersection, where it is the strongest.) x 20 each Arm. 1 Arm Plyo Push Offs (Similar to the previous exercise, but Pushing off the object rather than grabbing onto it) x 20, with Rebound Pistol Squat Jumps(You can do any of the Rebound Exercises on soft ground, if you don’t have a rebounder. You can adjust the difficulty by keeping the front leg close to or even on the ground, and adjust the height of your jump, from a small hop to a good high jump.) Standing Series Yoga. Meditate. Dog Run to Gym. Outdoor Functional Workout with Jen - 2 Supersets Each of: Kip Dismounts x 20 with Field Sprints/ Wide Leg Hanging Windshield Wipers with Side Crossover Field Sprints./Tri Set of: Medicine Ball Back Roll, Slam and Stand Up to Slam, with 1 Arm Band Grappling Pulldowns, with Turn and Grappling Shot with a Heavy Band around an anchor and the Inside Knee. Just a few trainees. Got to train them outside, which was nice. Walk Home. Maintained Fast to 7 pm. Healthy meals. Did quite a bit of reading and writing outdoors, which was nice. Stopped eating by 9 pm. Walked Momo, with sword and cutting practice. No Iaijutsu Draw Practice. Giving my shoulder a rest. Still a little sore. Iced shoulder and watched TV to wind down.

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