“I am not what happened to me. I am what I choose to become.”

C.G. Jung

WEDNESDAY SEP 26: Very restless night. In a lot of pain and in a very dark mood when I finally got up. Had a doctor’s appointment or I probably would have just stayed in bed. Not sure what brought on the depression if anything. The simple truth is that you don’t live the life I’ve lived and not deal with the ‘Black Dog’, as Teddy Roosevelt called his depression. Started using Kratom today. There’s been a lot of controversy around this plant. There’s even a full Netflix documentary dedicated to nothing but the question of Kratom. For those of you who don’t know it’s related to the coffee plant, but has many more alkaloids, some of which are said to help with pain, elevate mood and have a mild stimulant effect. It’s been used in places like Indonesia for centuries, but there are those, particularly in the U.S., where they want to classify it as a Schedule 1 drug, on par with heroin and opiates(As well as marijuana...?), who say that it is a dangerous and addictive drug. None of my research has shown this to be the case. And my pain and depression are often so debilitating that I feel that it’s worth the experiment to see if it makes any difference. We’ve actually had the dog on Kratom for a week or so now. He’s old and in a lot of pain some days. The Kratom definitely seemed to to help him at least want to get up and move around, so I figured it was worth trying on myself. Today was the first day. My pain didn’t disappear, but it did seem to lessen and my mood didn’t seem to be nearly as dark within about 40 minutes of having taken it. Whether or not that’s simply a placebo effect or not I can’t tell yet. Got a better night’s sleep. Less pain and less tossing and turning.
THURSDAY SEP 27: Second day on Kratom. Once again woke to pain and the Black Dog. Took Kratom right away. Dentist appointment. Still struggled socially, which, thanks to the Asperger’s, I always do when I’m tired or depressed. The Kratom did once again seem to alleviate some of the pain and darkness, which helped me at least function. Fell off the diet a little bit. Some starches. Stopped by 8 pm. Began Partial Fast. Walked Momo with cutting practice. TV to wind down.
FRIDAY SEP 28: Seemed like a decent sleep. Smudge. Partial Fast. Felt better than I did yesterday. Outdoor Bodyweight Plyometric Circuit- 2 Giant Sets Each of: Yard Sprint, Drop Catch Pull Ups x 20, Yard Sprint, with Rebounder Heels Up Hops x 100, Yard Sprints, Rebounder Plyo Sprawls x 50/ Side Crossover Yard Sprint, Plyo Pull Up Push Offs x 20, Side Crossover Yard Sprint, Rebounder High Knee Jumps x 50, with Rebounder Plyo Push Ups x 30/ Seated Series Yoga/ Dog Run to Townson Fitness with full Sprints, then walks. 1 Trainee. Strength and Power Circuit – 2 Giant Sets Each of: Back Squats x 10-12, with Full Gironda Wide Grip Chins to Failure with 3 Negative Only Reps, with Wide Gironda Dips to Failure with 3 Negative Only Reps, with Seated Calf Raises x 15 Each Leg/ Narrow Grip Chins to Failure with 3 Negative Only Reps at end, with Trap Bar Deadlift & Shrug x 15/ with with Gironda Neck Press x 10-12, 70 Degree Bent Over Rows x 15-20, with Barbell Cleans x 6-8/ Heavy Kettlebell Hip Swings x 15, Bar End Split Squat & 1 Arm Press x 12-15, with Bar End Bear Fighters x 12, with Lying Bear Fighters x 15, with Reverse Grip Bench Press x 6-8/1 Arm Trap Bar Famer’s Walks x 3 Laps Each Side, with 1 Arm Trap Bar Controlled Swing & Rotation x 6 Each Side, with Kettlebell Clean & Press x 12, Kettlebell High Pulls x 6-8/ Walk. Home. Ate. High Protein but not Carnivore Diet. Included Veggies and some fruit. (Just found that I’m struggling too much to stick to a strict Carnivore diet and I’m not seeing any improvements when I do. This may not be true for everyone out there. It still might be a valuable diet for some. But it’s too extreme a lifestyle change with not enough gain for me. That might also be because I didn’t stick to it strongly enough. I don’t know.) Stopped eating by by 8 pm. Did some writing and then some reading to wind the day down.
SATURDAY SEP 29: Partial Fast, beginning at 8 pm the night before. Started the day with a Smudge. Lying Series Yoga. Dog Run to Townson Fitness with full all out sprints. 2 Trainees. Outdoor Grappling Based Functional Power Circuit – 2 Giant Sets Each of: Field Sprints, with Kip Dismounts x 10, with Hanging Reverse Crunches x 12, Wrestling Shot to Sprawl x 20/ Downward Facing Rope Bell Ringers x 10 (Will post vids Showing this and other exercises on Fb & Instagram Pages), with Upward Facing Rope Bell Ringers x 10, with Kettlebell Discus Style Throws x 6 Each Side. with Medicine Ball Roll to Stand & Slam/  Rope Hanging Wide Leg Reverse Crunches x 10, with 1 Arm Band Downwards Pull Snap x 10 Each Arm, 1 Arm Band Downwards Push Snap x 10 Each Arm, with Medicine Reverse Crunches x 10/ Forward Motion Sprawl Rope Bell Ringers x 10, with 1 Arm Band Upwards Pull Snap x 10 Each Arm, with 1 Arm Band Upwards Push Snap, with Kettlebell Overhead Backwards Toss x 6 Each Arm. 1 more Trainee. Home. High Protein Meals to Break Fast. Stop by 8 pm. Tired and little out of it. Wrote and Read to wind down.

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