faller Chapter 14 How Crow Made Human Beings

Chapter 14
How Crow Made Human Beings

This is a story about Crow.
This is a story about Tsó:ka’we.
She’s never up to no good that Crow.
Always stealing things. Sitting up in a tree laughing at people and all the other animals that can’t fly.
She might sneak right out of this story and make trouble when you’re not looking. 
She might sneak right out of this story and steal your socks or your watch or your favourite pen.
She’s sneaky that Crow.
She’s what you call a Trickster.
You gotta keep your eyes open and count all your fingers and toes when that Tsó:ka’we’s around and especially when she’s being talked about because that opens a door or a window for her to sneak in and peck away at you.
It was Crow that made human beings. Mostly because she was bored and when Tsó:ka’we gets bored that’s when she makes the worst kind of trouble.
And that Crow never made worse trouble than human beings.
She’s still laughing about that one.
That one might be the best trick that Tsó:ka’we ever pulled.
That trick started one day when Crow was bored like I said and she was flying around Turtle pecking at him and making fun of him for carrying the world around on his back. 
What a stupid thing to do Tsó:ka’we said. 
Why would you carry anything if you don’t have to. 
Why would you carry the whole world on your back if you didn’t have to.
Turtle wasn’t arguing with Crow and just pretty much ignoring all the pecking and cawing.
Turtle’s like that.
Not too much gets to him.
Not even carrying around the whole world.
Turtle isn’t much fun as far as Tsó:ka’we is concerned.
And he sure didn’t help with Crow’s boredom.
So Crow’s crazy trickster brain went to work coming up with things she could do. Things that might make Crow happy. Things that might make Tsó:ka’we laugh. 
No good things.
Trickster things.
Crazy Crow things.
Crow started out playing in the mud on Turtle’s back. The mud and the clay on Turtle’s back.
Crow doesn’t like getting dirty. She spends a lot of time cleaning and preening. She likes to keep her feathers glossy black. But she loves getting other things dirty. She loves making things as dirty as they can get.
So there Tsó:ka’we was playing around in the mud and the clay looking to get something good and dirty.
That’s how it all started.
That’s how human beings got started.
In the dirt and the mud.
There Crow was throwing mud and clay and sticks and dirt around when something started to take shape. 
The first human.
When Crow saw that, when she saw what she had made, at the new kind of trouble that she had made, she thought I should make another one so that it can trouble the first one. And then another so that they could gang up on each other. And then she made them into different sexes so that they could really misunderstand each other and then different tribes with different languages so that they would have good reason to hate each other and fight each other and she made the different skin colours too so that they would think that they had even more reasons to fight and hate and trouble each other.
By the time Tsó:ka’we was done there were so many different kinds of humans and so many different kinds of trouble that they could get into.
This time I’ve really outdone myself Crow cawed. This is the best most troublesome thing that I’ve ever made.
She flew up into a tree and laughed and laughed.
Those human beings were so much trouble they even got on Turtle’s nerves. They did all these things that they thought were good and important but were really just trouble and mischief.
The difference between human beings and Crow and Coyote and Rabbit is that Tricksters know that they’re Tricksters, they know that they’re making trouble. 
But human beings make all kinds of trouble, so much trouble that they even get on Turtle’s nerves, and think that they’re doing things that are important and good and helpful.
Those human beings are way crazier than Coyote or Rabbit or even Crow. 
Those human beings are so funny that Crow never stopped laughing since she made them.
Human beings been nothing but trouble for Turtle since the day they got made.
They’re so funny and so much trouble that Tsó:ka’we’s still laughing today.
She laughs about human beings every single day.
That Crow she sure likes to laugh.
That Tsó:ka’we she sure knows how to make trouble.

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