Pandemic Training Diary Day 1

Pandemic Training Diary
Day 1

So I started day 1 waking up late and in pain. I don’t sleep well, and when I do sleep, I have bad nightmares. The meds help, but not in the mornings when they’ve worn off. So I often sleep late. Or don’t so much sleep, as pull a Rene Descartes, lying in bed and just drifting and thinking before finally getting up. My first day will be a Full 36 Hour Fast. I use Fasting mostly as a form of ritual, something I learned from my Mohawk Grandmother. But now I’m also using it at the beginning of this phase as a way of disciplining myself and of cleaning out all the crap I’ve been eating all week. I started with a Dog Walk. This is an old Indian thing, that my Mohawk ancestors used to travel very long distances on foot. In fact it was often referred to as Indian Running. You alternate walking and jogging. It turns out to be a great way of challenging my metabolism, which will tend to slow down because I’m fasting. It also helps me build up to jogging, getting my spine used to the idea of the motion without making it worse. Of course, I practiced social distancing, keeping at least 6 feet between myself and anyone I passed along the way. I followed that with shadowboxing at home. You don’t have to be a fighter to get the benefits of shadowboxing. Just move your feet, let your hands go and remember to include defense, bobbing and weaving, feints and some blocking. Try not to overextend your punches and try to put together combinations, even if they’re not pretty or perfect. The point is to move and punch, using the entire body. I went for about a half hour. I’ll go into more detail in a later post on the details of what I do when I shadowbox. I finished with seated Yoga stretches. You don’t need to be an expert on Yoga. You can look up positions and series on the Internet. Go slowly and breathe deeply, holding each position for at least four deep inhales and exhales. You do this to increase your flexibility, but also ground yourself in breathing. I took some rest then. Played with the dog. Wrote. Then I went for a second walk. This is to get my metabolism back up. When you’re fasting and when you’re trying to lose body fat it’s a good idea to exercise at least twice a day. The walk doesn’t have to be intense. I walk very fast. In this case not a Dog Run. Just a walk. I then practice Yoga posture exercises as I walk the dog. Despite being active in every other way, Benji, our rescue dog, does not do much when we walks. He likes to sniff at things and just linger. I take advantage of this to stretch and work on my posture. Despite years of training, knowing better, my posture can get pretty terrible by the end of the day, when I’m tired. All the boxing and living in the woods gives me a natural tendency to drop my chin to my chest and roll my shoulders forward. Years of Karate and Tae Kwon do have left me with a tendency to walk with my toes out, to walk like a duck. So while Benji, sniffs and lingers, I work on straightening my spine and lining my toes up with my heels, and relaxing into a good posture. When I got home I wrote some more and then practiced a simple Yoga series meant to help me relax before sleeping. I’ll give more detail on that in a later post as well. That’s it for Day 1. I maintained the Fast and kept the training simple. Not too hard. Not too easy. So far so good....

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