Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 2 Week 1 Days 2 & 3

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 2 Week 1 Days 2 & 3
I started day 2, Week 1 of Phase 2 well. The pain was down near a 3 or 2. Still careful not to push too hard too fast. Started out with Suspension Based Tabata Style Workout: (See my past post at: for a description of these exercises and my idea for alternatives if you don’t have the equipment). 2 Sets of 2 Circuits of: Yard Sprints (More like Yard Jogs at this point. Did this in my bare feet. It was a warm enough day for this. This forces me not to run Heel – Toe, which causes impact on the joints and spine.) x 4, with Suspension Push Ups x 100, Suspension Assisted Low Squats (Didn’t want to chance Pistol Squats. Did this one Holding the Straps and Starting at the Bottom of a Low Squat and coming about ¾ of the way up to keep tension on the muscles and to avoid locking joints) x 100, and finishing with Suspension Rows x 100. Then Crossover Yard Sprints (Made sure to stay on my toes to protect my joints and spine) x 4, with Suspension Stiff Arm Pullovers facing away from the straps, then Suspension Hip Press (To do this one you face the Straps Standing Upright, allow your Hips and Butt to Fall Backward so that your body forms a V Shape, and then Squeeze your Hips Forward until they are over your feet and you are Standing Straight) x 100, and finishing with Suspension Stiff Arm Pullovers facing the Straps x 100. Standing Hatha Yoga Stretch and Meditation. Met up and hung out with a friend. Pain up to around 4 or 5, but nothing I couldn’t handle. We finished by going to a grocery store. Standing Still in a line up brought the Back Pain up to 6 or 7. When I got home to Back Pain got worse, from bad to terrible, at 9 or 10 at some points. When I went to bed once again I turned too suddenly and ended up in raging agony that would not allow me to sleep.
Day 3 was a Scheduled Day of Rest. Which was good because I was in agony. The Back Pain was back in spades, and, because I hadn’t slept, had a massive headache and was very shaky. Couldn’t get out of bed until late. Wasn’t asleep. The pain was just paralyzing and the Depression came back. I didn’t want to get up. I didn’t want to be alive. When I did get up couldn’t bring myself to do much of anything and watch TV. A very dark day. But I will not allow it to last for more than a day or two this time.

That’s it for Days 2 & 3, Phase 2 Week 2. So far so... Not good. But not done either.

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