Pandemic Fitness Diary Week 4 Days 2 to 7

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Week 4 Days 2 to 7

I started day 2, Week 4 after a sleepless night. Had to have a sleepless night sooner or later. This time it was my stomach that kept me awake. This also meant that I had a lot more pain to start the day that I have in the past few. While I’m determined not to over-train, I’m also determined not to get derailed without good reason. So I stuck to my schedule today. Started out with a Dog Run. (See my past post at: for a description of this exercise). More of a Dog Jog today. Got gassed easily and my lower back was feeling particularly fragile. Included 8 sets of Stairs and used my Walking Stick. Was feeling better by the time I got back. Kept my Suspension Tabata Style Workout down to 2 sets of 2 Circuits. (See my past post at HITTScarborough for a full description of the following exercises, and for my suggestions on alternatives) Yard Sprints x 4, with Suspension Push Ups x 100, followed by Suspension Assisted Pistol Squats x 50 Each Leg, and Suspension Rows x 100. Side Crossover Yard Sprints x 4, followed by Suspension Straight Arm Pullovers facing away from the straps x 100, and Suspension Assisted Side Kick Pistol Squats x 50 Each Leg, and Suspension Straight Arm Pullovers facing the straps x 100. It was sunny out, but cold. So I could train in the yard while wearing warm gear. Finished with Lying Series Hatha Yoga and Meditation. Broke my Fast with healthy food throughout the day. Writing and Correspondence. Then another Walk. Just a Walk. But did include Stairs x 8. Brought my longer lighter Walking Stick. Was able to work on Staff style exercises. When out of sight in the darkness of course. Wrote. Rested. Relaxation Yoga and Meditation. Read to wind down.
Woke up in the middle of the night with a severe pain in my lower back. I’m a side sleeper and I often toss and turn. I think I twisted too fast and suddenly because I woke up in the middle of a turn. I’ve had 15 car accidents (none of which was I driving), was a professional fighter, got badly abused and beaten by both my blood parents and by gangs of older kids, mostly on the Rez because I didn’t look Indian enough and was just a weird kid, but also in school in the city because I was one of only two native kids that went to the city school across the river and because I was so weird. Yet somehow I bear very few scars from all of those things and recovered quickly and/or unexpectedly from even the most severe of those. In fact one of the car accidents destroyed both my knees and I was told I would never walk again. And when I began to walk was told that I would never walk again without a cane. My boxing trainers were constantly amazed at my ability to take punishment without bleeding very much or being stopped and with my ability to come back from punishment. All this to say that once upon a time I was virtually unbreakable and now, at 58, I injure myself just turning in my sleep. My 58 year old body is not the same as the body I had for most of my life. I was in such severe pain that I couldn’t sleep, but also couldn’t get up out of bed. By the time I was able to struggle out of bed lack of sleep meant I also had a severe blinding headache and was very nauseous. I was also in a very black mood. Part of it is this expectation in my mind that I can overcome any kind of pain, because I did most of my life. Part of this is the depression that goes hand in hand with complex PTSD. Teddy Roosevelt described his depression as a black dog that he was always trying to outrun. That has always been true of me, particularly in my younger days. I would get angry and start moving and that would enable me to outrun the black dog. But I couldn’t move at all. I couldn’t move at all for days afterward. And that left me with both the severe pain and the black dog lying right on my chest. It was a black series of days. I indulged in feeling sorry for myself and barely got out of bed. But I damaged my back when I was in my 20s squatting way too much weight without a proper warm up. Back then doctors told you to lay still and do nothing. I did that then and ended up depressed for a few days until I dragged my ass out of bed and got moving. I determined that on Sunday I would start a brand new week and, no matter how I felt, start moving carefully, if for no other reason than to get the black dog off of my chest. But, until then, the rest of this week was pain and darkness.

That’s Days 2 to 7, Week 4. It sucked. I was down. But I’ve never in my life stayed down, and I will not stay down this time either.

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