Pandemic Training Diary Phase 2 Week 1: Recovery Day 1

Pandemic Training Diary
Phase 2 Week 1: Recovery Day 1
I’m thinking of this week as a new Phase. At least the first week will have to be low intensity, with a focus on recovery. (See my past post at: for a description of this situation and this injury that I’m recovering from.). Started day 1, Week 1 of this Phase after finally having gotten some sleep. The pain seemed less through the night and when I woke up. Struggled far less to get out of bed. But, as I stood up and moved around, the pain went from a 4 or 5 to a 7 or 8, still not nearly the 9 and 10 of almost every minute of last week. Started with Slow Joint Circles, which I always do before doing anything else. The idea is to get the joints lubricated and ready for movement. Then did very slow and careful Shadowboxing, paying particular attention to working technique without hyperextending or accelerating, particularly on the hooking punches. Still worked Bobbing and Weaving and Feints before combinations, but did it very slowly and carefully, before moving on to individual Punches and Combinations. It was hard, even with the pain to hold myself back, and not force the technique or the intensity. I did this indoors. It was raining outside. Much shorter movements. I tend to be a balls out type of trainee. It’s very difficult not to open up and indulge. The pain, by the end was back down to a 4 or 5. So moving did seem to help. Followed up with Seated Hatha Series Yoga and Meditation. Went particularly slowly on the posterior chain stretches. Today was a Full Fast day: 36 Hours. My diet sucked last week. So this is as much about establishing discipline again as anything else. Rested and wrote. Was supposed to Walk but my attempts at Walking last week caused deep Sciatic pain that almost crippled me and I had to sit down and stop. Part of the problem with me Walking, as much as I love Walking, is that my military background has left me with the habit of Walking a very hard heel/toe, and my Martial Arts background has left me with the habit of walking with my toes pointing out like a duck. Both of these get worse as I get tired or am in pain. And both habits are terrible for a damaged back. So I skipped the Walk. But I did Walk Benji, and brought along a Walking Stick. This helps cue me for good Posture, and reminds me to keep my toes in line with my heels. It also gives me the opportunity to use some Martial Arts Weapons patterns to incorporate my upper body, and, more importantly right now, to use and strengthen my Core Muscles. Nothing crazy or Intense. And I can only do it when Benji is stopped, which is often, and there’s no one around to be freaked out by my behaviour. Pain remained at a 4 or 5, which is great. When I tried walking Benji last week the Sciatic Pain would reach a 9 and 10, and there’s nowhere to sit down on our walks. Home to do some writing and rest. Did some reading. Relaxation Yoga and Meditation with special emphasis on the Posterior Chain Stretches.

That’s it for Day 1, Phase 2 Week 1: Recovery. So far so good...

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