Pandemic Training Diary Week 3 Days 4 & 5

Pandemic Training Diary
Week 3 Days 4 & 5
Day 4, Week 3, started out far better than the previous day. I got some deep sleep and the pain, when I woke up was more of a dull roar. Had a hard time getting moving though. Contentment for me is both an unusual feeling and not in my toolbox as far as motivation goes. I also wanted to stress with myself to not overdo it just because I’m having a better day. So I allowed myself to start out slowly and took my time. I always start with Joint Circles to get my joints lubricated and ready for motion. Just a few simple circles around each joint starting out with small joints like the wrists and working towards larger joints like hips and back. Today was a Suspension Tabata Based Workout (See my past post at: for a description of the basics of these exercises and my ideas as to alternatives). Kept it down to 2 Sets of 2 Circuits. Very brief, so as not to overdo it. Yard Sprints x 4, with Suspension Push Ups x 100, with Front Pistol Squats with a Suspension Assist x 50 Each Leg, with Suspension Rows x 100. Side Crossover Sprints x 4, with Suspension Pullovers facing away from the straps x 100, with Suspension Assist Side Kick Squats x 50 Each Leg, with Suspension Pullovers facing the straps. Notice that I’m alternating Lower Body Work with Upper Body Work. The idea is an old one called Flushing, that bodybuilders used to reduce fat, forcing the heart and lungs to work harder to supply blood to opposite ends of the body. Inside, because it was a cold day, for Plow Series Hatha Yoga and Meditation. I hold each position for Four deep inhales and exhales, moving from position to position fairly slowly. Rested and Ate. Walk with a friend. Rested and Ate. Walked Benji with Stretching and Breathing. Wrote. Read. Relaxation Yoga.
Day 5 started off interestingly. I got another good night’s sleep. In fact, I may even have overslept. First time I was able to put 2 days in a row of decent sleep. I felt good when I woke up. Less pain. And I started out by planning on doing my Plyo workout today. But, even though my back pain was better, the best it’s been in a while, I could feel a definite weakness there and every instinct in my body said to take it relatively easy, to not punish myself for feeling better. I did do a Dog Run, but no sprints and didn’t push myself very hard. Only did a quick stretch afterwards. We have to remember that Yoga and stretching, while they are far less stressful to your body are still exercise. So I kept it brief and easy. Rested a bit. Then walked with a friend. That’s it for exercise. Kept my diet clean and didn’t push myself too hard. Did some writing. Some reading to wind my day down.

That’s it for Days 4 & 5, Week 3 of Isolation Training. So far so good...

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