Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 2 Week 4 Days 4 & 5

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 2 Week 4 Days 4 & 5
I started day 4, Week 4 of Phase 2 after a good night’s sleep. The Sciatica was around a 4 or 5. Manageable. 24 hour Fast. It was a beautiful sunny day in Toronto. Got in a Suspension Tabata Style Workout (See my past post at: for a description of these exercises) 2 Sets of 2 Circuits: Yard Sprints x 4 + Suspension Push Ups x 100 + Suspension Assisted Pistol Squats x 50 Each Leg + Suspensions Rows x 100. Side Crossover Yard Sprints x 4 + Suspension Pullovers Facing Away from Straps x 100 + Suspension Assisted Sidekick Pistol Squats x 50 Each Leg + Suspension Pullovers Facing the Straps x 100. Back Pain didn’t lessen this time, even wearing the Sauna Belt. In fact it moved up to a 6 or 7. Lying Series Yoga & Meditate. That helped. Got the pain down to a 3 or 4. Some days are just going to be harder than others. Pain doesn’t go away all at once. It takes time. Took advantage of the beautiful day to sit outside.  Read. Wrote. Inside to do some more writing. Walked Benji with Stretching and Breathing, but didn’t Walk myself. Back was feeling tight. Back home to do some more writing and reading. Relaxation Yoga and Meditate. Inversion Table Sit Ups 3 x 10. Inversion Table Progressive Relaxation, Stretch and Meditate. Read to wind down. Bed earlier.
Up earlier on Day 5. Rest Day. Beautiful day out. Took advantage. Sat outside. Read & wrote. I love reading and writing outdoors. Everything just seems more relaxed and open. It also really helps me avoid depression and anxiety. Maybe because I was raised in the outdoors, it is almost impossible for me not to relax when I spend time out in the yard. I also write more when I’m sitting outside and that engages every part of me. Back inside to watch TV. No guilt because I’ve already done my writing and reading. Walked Benji. More TV to wind down.
That’s it for Days 4 & 5, Phase 2 Week 4. So far so... Better. Much better.

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