Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 1 Day 1

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 1 Day 1
Day 1, Week 1 of Phase 3 did not start out well for me. Had a really rough night. Couldn’t sleep. And fever dreams when I did drift off. This was the first humid night and the air conditioner in my bedroom broke down. Because of the brain damage I run hotter than the average person, and I’ve always found it easier to sleep in the cold than in the heat. This made it 2 nights in a row without any real sleep for me. I definitely felt it. My Sciatica was acting up again, around an 8 or 9, had a massive headache, nausea and pretty bad stomach pain. All are pretty common for me when I go too long without sleep. The bigger danger for me is seizures. Took me a while to get myself moving but did exercise. That usually helps with the back pain. But not today. Still it’s important psychologically, if not physically, for me to stick to some kind of schedule when I’m like this. Today was the first day of a new Phase and I was supposed to pick it up a bit. But my Shadowboxing was really a struggle. (See my past post at: for a description of my usual approach to this exercise.) Had to shorten and restrict everything because of the Sciatica.  So I avoided Footwork and more Intense Movement. Kept it short and simple. Not quite the plan, but better than nothing. Better than giving in. Seated Series Yoga and Meditation. Even that was a real struggle. To add to the fun, Benji, who is a rescue and came to us with issues, suddenly seemed to relapse. It took forever when we first brought him home for him to be willing to go outside. Last night he suddenly refused to go out again. Had to coax him out into the yard today. He’ll generally stay outside if we’re outside, so, while I really needed the Inversion Table, I delayed that and sat outside so that Benji could start to get a little comfortable. (My posture when I’m trying to use the laptop is absolutely terrible. Tried to work on that a bit.)  Inside a bit later to do Inversion Table Stretching, Progressive Relaxation, and Meditation. It was actually getting a bit cool out, so that gives me hope about being able to sleep tonight. Then I cleaned out the filter from my room air conditioner. Erin suggested that. Never occurred to me. And it works now. Benji’s more comfortable outside, it’s gotten cooler, the air conditioner works and the CBC Reclaimed is playing Pow Wow music for all those who can’t make it to Pow Wows this year. Turning out to be a good day. Sometimes you just have to put one foot in front of the other and the worst day can turn out better than you expect. Sometimes it doesn’t. But even then you can know that you didn’t just give in to the darkness. Was supposed to go for an Exercise Walk. Didn’t. Not just because my Back is still so tight. Didn’t want to have late exercise interfering with my ability to sleep tonight. It may not help at all. But at least it won’t hurt. Wrote. Read. Relaxation Yoga & Meditation. Inversion Table Sit Ups, Stretch, Progressive Relaxation & Meditate. Bed early. Finally got some sleep.
That’s it for Day 1, Phase 3 Week 1. So far so... One foot in front of the other...

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