Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 1 Days 2 & 3

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 1 Days 2 & 3

I started day 2, Week 1 of Phase 3 after a better night’s sleep. Today was a lighter day. Iaijutsu (See my past post at: for a description of this Japanese sword system). Lying Series Yoga work. It was incredibly hot and humid in Toronto, so I was very careful not to overdo it and to drink lots of liquids. Then went out with to visit an old and cherished friend. Sat outside in the shade and just hung out. Back to take Benji for a nice quiet walk. Benji’s been going through a kind of reversion. He’s a rescue, probably has brain damage and probably suffered some kind of abuse. When he first came home with us he was terrified of me and terrified of going outside in the yard or for a walk. Eventually he became very playful and got over his fears. But, whether something happened in the real world or just in his mind, he’s reverted back to that fearful place. He’s oaky with me, though he occasionally flinches from me. But he’s terrified of going outside. And have to gently coax him into going for a walk. So the walks are about Benji. I’m not doing anything while he sniffs and slowly explores. Home to write. Then to read. Relaxation Yoga and Meditation. Inversion Table Sit Ups, Progressive Relaxation, Stretching and Meditation. Back Pain was down to a 3 or 4, which was good, considering the inflammation usually gets worse in the humidity. As as side note, just want to emphasize here that I’m trying to be brutally honest about my own struggles as a 58 Year Old with a beaten up body trying to stay fit during the Pandemic. At times it may concern some of those who know me. At times it may seem whiney. The simple fact is that I’m just one of those people who have never had an easy time being alive. I’m not saying that as a complaint. I wouldn’t change a thing. No matter that I have dark days, I really wouldn’t change any of it. My hardships are what make me, me. My hardships give me insight and understanding for the struggles of others. While Nietzsche may not have been exactly right when he wrote “That which does not kill us, makes us better.”. Measles doesn’t kill us. It certainly doesn’t make us better. But that which doesn’t kill us can make us deeper if we allow it to. That is not to say that you cannot have depth without suffering. But surviving suffering provides you with the knowledge that you can survive suffering. So, sometimes it is tough right now. Yes. Some days I don’t want to be alive. But I know that the next day or the day after that will be better. If it comes off as whining, I apologize. If it concerns you, then I apologize you and assure you that I can handle much more than this. And I do smile. I do laugh. Not every single day. But enough to make life still very precious to me. I promise you. I am nowhere close to quitting. And I am not feeling sorry for myself no matter how it sounds. (Okay, sometimes I am.) But mostly I know that I am plenty strong enough to handle way more than this. I sincerely hope that makes you less concerned about me. I’m harder to kill than a Russian Monk.
Day 3 was a day off. Got a good night’s sleep. Rested. TV. Diet was not good. Slipped a bit. TV to wind down. Bed earlier. Got another good night’s sleep.
That’s it for Days 2 & 3, Phase 3 Week 1. So far so... Okay. Really. I’m okay.

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