Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 2B Days 4 & 5

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 2B Days 4 & 5
I started day 4, Week 2B of Phase 3, having a very difficult time getting out of bed. The Pain, Migraine and Sciatic, was back. I don’t know if this is connected to the humidity or why, but it has so far occurred on the most humid days. I lied in bed without sleeping for a long time. Just couldn’t gather the will to get out of bed and face the pain. I also had no actual appointments for the day, so I could just lie there for a while. Eventually did crawl out of bed and determined that, despite the oppressive humidity and heat, despite my Pain and Depression, I was going to exercise at least a little. So I gathered myself up, went outside (it was like walking into a blast furnace...) and did a short simple Bodyweight Tabata Series. (See my past post at: for a description of this workout).  Did not even attempt to do more than I have been doing and made sure to drink copious amounts of water. 2 Sets of 2 Reps of: Yard Bounds x 2 Laps + Assisted Wide Grip Pull Ups x 20 + Walking Lunges x 10 Forward and 10 Backward + Push Ups x 50. Butt Kick Yard Bounds x 2 Laps + Assisted Narrow Grip Pull Ups x 20 + Sideways Walking Lunges x 10 Forward and 10 Backward + Push Ups (Use a Higher, above the Shoulders Hand Position on the 2nd Series) x 50. Seated Series Yoga and Meditate. Was soaked in sweat just doing these simple exercises. The Pain did not get better as I moved but the Yoga and Stretching did help with the Sciatic Pain. Inside to where it was cool to write and correspond on Social Media. Headache remained blinding, but was determined to get at least some things done. The Pain may not have gotten better but how I felt about the Pain definitely got better by me doing so.  Went for a Walk with Benji. Got full on the full on thunderstorm, raining going sideways and zero visibility. Awesome! Relaxation Yoga and Inversion Work. Reading to wind down.
Day 5 was a Rest Day. Did work with a client on Iaijutsu. And walked Benji. Then watched TV to wind down and rest. Pain not so bad. Much better than last week at this time.
That’s it for Days 4 & 5, Phase 3 Week 2B. So far so... Better. Getting better...

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