Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 3 Days 2 & 3

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 3 Days 2 & 3
I started day 2, Week 3 of Phase 3 after a rough night. Pain kept me up all night and was worse when I finally got out of bed. Blinding Migraine and Sciatica. But I was determined to do what I was supposed to do and not let another bad night throw me off track again. Started with Iaijutsu Training (See my past post at: for a description of this Japanese Sword system).  Worked slowly and meticulously on getting each move in the series exactly right, rather than going for speed and risking injury. When I started in Sword class the emphasis on precision, repeating each move hundreds if not thousands of times before moving onto the next, seemed unnecessary. But, as an older person, I can appreciate the Zen like approach and feel it deeply as a kind of moving Meditation. As always I worked the draw from both sides, more to challenge my body’s balance and to inform the series by mirror movement. I followed that with Lying Series Yoga and Meditation. I really took my time with this and took pleasure in practicing the same precision and slowness as I did today with Sword. Spent some time with a friend. And then home. Was very tired. Exhausted. Was able to do some writing and then some reading. Walked Benji with stick weapons work. Really, really needed Inversion Table Stretch, Progressive Relaxation and Meditation. My Back and Hips were in horrible pain, but this always helps. (If you don’t own or have access to an Inversion Table try lying on your back on the floor, on your bed or your sofa and raising your legs up on the wall. I do this while I’m reading. Even if you don’t have back or hip pain, it can really help reduce the swelling in your feet and in your joints.). Read some more. Then Relaxation Yoga & Meditation and another round of Inversion Table Progressive Relaxation, Stretching and Meditation. More reading to wind down. Restless night. Pain kept waking me up. Trying not to get frustrated, but it’s getting difficult. I know that I’m making progress, slowly. But on nights like this it doesn’t feel like that.
Day 3 was a Day Off. Woke up with a bit of writing in my head. That hasn’t happened in a while. So that’s positive even if I’m not getting any sleep and the pain is not going away. TV and rest for the day. Didn’t even walk Benji. Just forgot somehow. That’s not good. Pain and suffering can make us self-involved. The opportunity that dogs and other animal companions give us is to put their needs before our own. I failed to do that on this day. Have to do better.
That’s it for Days 2 & 3, Phase 3 Week 3. So far so... Can do better than this. Can be better than this...

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