Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 4 Days 1, 2 & 3

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 4 Days 1, 2 & 3
I started day 1, Week 4 of Phase 3, after a good night’s sleep. Aside from a Walk with a friend, basically took the day off. It was very hot out and I had a bit of a sleep hangover. Not used to getting this much sleep, and I just felt lazy and unmotivated. Did do my 36 Hour Fast. Did Walk Benji, with Stick Weapons work. Social Media and paperwork. Read for a while. Relaxation Yoga & Inversion Table Stretching. Progressive Relaxation and Meditation. (See my last week’s post at: my approach and the importance that I place on these exercises at the end of an active day). Journaling and Paperwork. Read to wind down. Was a rough night. Most people who don’t me well would tell you that I’m not a nervous person. In the military the guys in my unit would say I had ice in my veins. But in actual fact my mind can be my worst enemy. I’ve hide my Asperger’s, but my brain goes crazy whenever there’s any kind of change in my life. Am starting an online Mohawk language course. And, while it’s something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time. My Grandmother taught me some of the language when I was young, but I’ve lost so much of it, and, in doing so, I’ve lost so much of her. So I’m very excited to be doing this. But knowing that first class is tomorrow meant my brain circled obsessively around it all night. The thing with Anxiety is that it isn’t logical or rational. And I’ve been struggling with Anxiety much more since I’ve gone into therapy and started digging around in my traumatic past. All this to say that I was up all night worrying obsessively about something that I’m actually looking forward to. My crazy brain is like that. Just part of the fun of being me right now.
I started out Day 2 with Shadowboxing, which I was supposed to do on Day 1. Spent a lot of time and effort on working my Feints and Footwork. The difference between a Feint and a Fake is that a Feint is something you do with your entire body rather than just a body part. So you Feint forward or down, whereas you would Fake a Jab or a Cross. If you watch Combat Sports you’ll notice that true masters of Feints are extremely rare, which is why commentators will often rave about a certain fighter, like Lomachenko in Boxing or Dominick Cruz in MMA, because they do it at very high level. You may see it as Footwork, but many fighters move their feet well. Only a very select few mix in Feints with their Footwork. Ali was one of the very few Heavyweights who could do it, and Sugar Ray Robinson, beyond his incredible speed and versatility, was the boxing grandmaster of Feints. Whether you want to be a fighter or not, it is a very good idea to mix Feints in with your Shadowboxing because they incorporate coordination and neuromuscular adaptation. You’ll also develop a greater appreciation for those who have mastered the art. It was sickly humid in Toronto, so it was like working out in a Sauna for me. I hated doing that when I was making weight as a fighter and I still hate it. Followed that up with Seated Yoga and Meditation series, which was more like Hot Yoga than Hatha for me today. Then it was inside for the first of the Mohawk language courses. Once it was done I was far more relaxed. And, of course, I enjoyed it immensely. Won’t stop my brain from fretting about the next class or the one after that, but I’ll keep doing it until it’s not something new to my brain anymore.
Day 3 was a Rest Day. Did go for a Walk with a friend. And Walked Benji. Otherwise it was TV and Rest. Got a decent night’s sleep, I think. 

That’s it for Days 1,2 & 3, Phase 3 Week 4. So far so... Not good. But not done either.

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