

(This is one of those I don’t know what this is kind of things. Will appreciate and honour any and all feedback. But please, please, know that the lack of caps and punctuation is purposeful and a definite part of this work. I don’t know why. It just wants to express itself in this form.)
WARNING: Very vivid and violent expression. If you’re offended by this kind of thing or just find it too close to home, please do not read. Hope this doesn’t freak people out too much. But I think if you read to the end it’s teeth aren’t so sharp...

-how many people do you think there is
-how many people in this place
-ten maybe eleven maybe twelve
-maximum of twelve
-i’m going to kill them
-all these people i’m going to kill all these people
-all of them
-to make a statement a political statement
-how you don’t have a gun
-i have a knife a good bowie knife sharp i just sharpened it.
-you’re going to kill twelve people with a knife
-a bowie knife a sharp bowie knife
-no way not all of them if you had a gun or a sword maybe some of them will get away
-you’ll block one exit i’ll block the other with my knife
-some will still get out one or two would get past us
-they’re sheep people are sheep they’ll hide under the tables
-they’ll just hide under the tables
-some of them will try to get out
-those are the ones i’ll kill first
-what about the ones that go towards me i don’t have a knife i don’t have a sword i don’t have a gun
-sheep all you have to do is stand in their way they won’t know they have no way of knowing
-some of them will know
-you just act like you have something a knife or a gun you just be a sheep dog
-it’s hard to kill that many people with just a knife even a sharp knife a bowie knife that many people
- i can do it i’m going to make a statement
-a political statement
-how will people know
-what your statement is that you’re even making a statement most of them will think you’re just crazy that we’re just crazy the police will show up the police will show up and kill both of us and people will just think we were crazy
-i’ll write a manifesto
-a manifesto
-you’ll write a manifesto right now you don’t have a pen you don’t have paper
-i’ll get a pen i’ll get paper i’ll ask someone
-and they’ll just give you paper and a pen
-sure why not or i’ll write it on my phone i can write it on my phone
-on your phone
-sure that’s what i’ll do
-you’ll write an entire manifesto on your phone
-sure why not
-that could take forever you’re not quick you’re not one of those kids one of those what do they call them
-yes millennials you can’t type on your phone like one of them it takes you forever to write a text it’ll take you forever
-but then they’ll know
-some people would leave some might come in more people might come in
-let them come i’ll kill them all
-with your knife
-they still might think you’re crazy they still might think we’re crazy like the unabomber or one of those school shootings the unabomber wrote an entire thing and people just thought he was crazy
-maybe he was i didn’t read what he wrote
-nobody read it and if he was crazy maybe we’re crazy we could be crazy too
-i could do it anyway
-i don’t think it would work i think people would get away
-so what what are you saying
-i’m just saying
-that i should forget about it that we should forget about it
-i could do it though we could do it
-we could definitely do it
-maybe maybe not
-we should get desert
-wonder if they have pie i have a craving for pie
-i like cake better
-i’d eat cake i’d prefer pie but i’d eat cake
-let’s get a desert menu
-sure have you seen the waiter
-no he disappeared i would kill him first
-probably in the kitchen probably eating the last of the pie
-yeah i didn’t like his face
-he better not be eating the pie
-or the cake
-i don’t see him anywhere i don’t see that waiter anywhere i would definitely kill him first
-that would make thirteen maybe
-the waiter i wasn’t counting the waiter he would make thirteen
-thirteen is an unlucky number
-yes it is
-i could definitely go for pie or cake

-i’d prefer pie but i’d eat cake

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