For a Friend: Butterfly

 A Friend's Reading

Butterfly, Tsiktsinenná:wen

This is a reading I did yesterday, when learning of a beloved friend’s illness. I have not been as good a friend lately as I should have. I am deeply sorry for this. Tsiktsinenná:wen, Butterfly, represents Transition and Grace. Tsiktsinenná:wen moves from the earth bound caterpillar to a beautiful graceful thing of the air. In between there is a kind of stasis and the pain of transition. I am sorry that you must feel this pain my friend. And I’m sorry that I have not been there to share this with you. Nothing and no one ends. All things and all beings go from being one thing to another thing. Sometimes this is an inward transition. And sometimes this is an outward, physical change. Most often this transition happens both inwards and outwards. The Butterfly is always meant to be a Butterfly. Transition can leave us feeling fragile, frustrated and afraid. Change is never a comfortable thing. But, as with Tsiktsinenná:wen, the change can lead to something wonderful. Something beautiful. Something that is filled with grace. You were always beautiful, my friend. Even when the world has become ugly around you, you have always been beautiful. Just as the caterpillar is always, in all its potential, a Butterfly, this time of change is nothing more or less than you becoming your potential. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. I love you. Many, many people love you. And you will always be loved. Just as you always were a Butterfly.

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