walk with madness

 walk with madness


jules f. delorme

i do not choose to walk with madness

to flit between the shadows and the light

to dance with chaos whirling like a dervish

till the lines are blurred and the world is ever off balance

in the many places where the bedlam lives

where nothing ever settles

and no thing can come to rest

where only the mad are invited to the table

yet i do choose

but i do not choose

my madness is like the cat in that box

that erwin thought so deeply about

and the chaos that he so fought so hard to contain

i do not fight against the pandemonium

but i cannot embrace it either

i walk with my madness

sometimes i run

sometimes i fall

into the black hole falls my tremulous sanity

 and i am embraced

so very tightly

though i cannot encompass this darkness

or perhaps

perhaps i do

i sit at the table

i am invited 

i am commanded

with the hatters and the rabbits

back and back to the table

i do not choose to walk with madness

to drift between the shadows and the light

to dance and twirl beyond reach of sanity

to gambol endlessly

this is where belong 

this is how i belong

dancing ever with the mad and the madness

never resting 

always dancing

 with the jabberwock

with the mayhem

i do not choose

but i do choose

i remain

i belong



at the table

deep inside erwin’s box

with the 

in the

forever twirling

forever swirling



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