Happy! on Netlix

 Happy! on Netflix

Jules F. Delorme

I was walking with a friend the other day, talking about our favourite Christmas movies and shows it suddenly popped in my mind that there had been a show the previous year, or the year before that, or maybe even the year before that, that I had thought was so incredibly brilliant, so hilarious and outrageous that surely I’d never forget it.
The only things I remembered exactly about the show was that it had been on Netflix, and it had starred Christopher Meloni of Law & Order SVU and Oz fame. I remembered that well because Meloni has come to be known as subtle stoic type of actor and, in this show that I couldn’t remember the name of, he goes over the top with an abandon that we’ve only come to expect from John Malkovich or Billy Bob Thornton.
What the hell was the name of that show?!
When I got home I looked it up. And discovered there was a second season set around Easter.
The name of the show is Happy!, and I decided to watch the Christmas season again.
I mean, surely it couldn’t have been that great if I forgot the name.
It is that great and more.
And I will never forget the name again.
I binge watched the entire first/Christmas season last night.
And it’s even better and more hilarious the second time around.
The premise of Happy! is this: An alcoholic drug addicted ex cop is visited by the imaginary friend of the daughter he doesn’t know he has after she has been kidnapped by a grungy meth smoking Santa Claus along with many other children. Yup. I know that doesn’t sound like it could work or be funny at all, but, as is true for The Misfits and Wayne, Happy!’s very weirdness and outrageousness is what makes it both brilliant and fall out of your chair hilarious. Christopher Meloni is perfectly cast. We’ve come to know him as a manly and very serious detective. He takes that expectation, your expectation of the kind of actor you’ve come to know, and explodes it outwards and upside done. It is a truly bravura performance. If you didn’t already love Meloni, hell, even if you did, he is going to leave you stunned and among his biggest fans.
The script is filled with ridiculous names and characters, all brilliantly played, including a mobster known only as Blue and a psychopathic torturer known only as Smoothie. And then there is Happy himself. A cartoon horse voiced wonderfully by Patton Oswalt. This show just gets weirder and more wonderful. You just have to throw your suspension of disbelief out the window and enjoy the wonderful so wrong that it’s right ride that is Happy!.
I haven’t started the second/Easter season yet.
I may go back and watch the first season all over again.
I loved it that much.
If you loved The Misfits and Wayne (And what kind of dead humorless soul would you have to have to not love those shows...), you will adore Happy!
It’s on Netflix and you should watch it right now!
And we should definitely make this a Christmas tradition.
Don’t tell you’re parents, don’t let your kids watch, but lets get together and watch Happy! every Christmas. I definitely am going to be doing that from now on!
Happy! may not give you the Christmas spirit, but I can practically guarantee you that you will have a big smile on your face throughout.
I can’t promise that you won’t hurt yourself laughing.


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