This is my first encounter with the Tree Oracle cards. They were given to me by my dear and insightful friend Erin. It seems exactly right that the first card that would appear to me is Oak, Kanawakón:ha. I have always had a close relationship with Trees. My Tóta, my Mohawk Grandmother, taught me to greet and thank a tree every single day. And I still do this. It grounds me and humbles me to recognize the importance of nature. And one of the types of trees that I have always felt the strongest vibrations from is the Oak. In the woods that I grew up in Oak was the Ohkwa:ri, the Bear, of Trees. Kanawakón:ha  was the mightiest trees in those woods and is the mightiest of trees in my world in and around Toronto, in Canada. Oak, Kanawakón:ha, speaks to me of Grounding, and of being Grounded. So often we walk this life without even realizing that we are off balance, that we are not Grounded. Kanawakón:ha is a reminder to stop, to breathe and to Ground our self. to find our balance, not just in our body, but in our mind and in our spirit. Oak also speaks of great Strength and Wisdom. Her strength comes from being Grounded and her Deepness and from the Density of age. I have been struggling with my health, both of body and mind, lately. And the last few days have been a real struggle. As I grow older it seems that I get better only to fall back into illness and depression again. I begin to doubt my desire to be in this world and I grow tired of being sick and tired. But tonight, as I walk with my canine friend Benji, I will stop and greet the Oak tree that stands on the corner. I will thank the Kanawakón:ha. And I will seek to find my own Rootedness, my own Strength, and the great Density of having lived a full and questing life. Oak grows stronger as she grows older. I will try to learn from her Elder Strength and Wisdom.

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