FROG - Tsikara’tanya’ks - SPIRIT ANIMAL

Frog, Tsikara’tanya’ks, speaks of purification, not just of body, but of spirit. We know now how terrible it is to pollute our body with things that are not natural to it, or with excess of the things that we know are good and not enough of the things that we know are bad. We understand that empty calories are bad things for our bodies. But what about empty thoughts? What about the things that we put in our mind and that sink down to our soul? What about all the unnatural and unhealthy things that we feed our spirits, things without substance or things that we know are unhealthy to indulge in on a daily basis? What about all the noise that we expose our minds and spirits to? Frog reminds me that I need to become more aware of these things and take the time to clean out my body and my spirit, and that today is as good a day to do it as any other.
#spiritanimal #shamanoracle #totem #frog


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