I am alwaya pleased to be visited by Goat, Kaia'tákerahs. This is from the new deck given to me by my friend Erin. When I was young, my Grandmother, my Tóta’s Goat, whose name was William, (despite the fact that she was a nanny Goat), but was known by everybody as just Goat, followed me everywhere on the Reserve. So people would call me Goat. I have always had a special place in my heart for Kaia'tákerahs, for Goat. Kaia'tákerahs is an animal of the Earth, of Katsi’tsáhere. She is the most grounded of animals and speaks to us of our own need to be grounded to be connected to Katsi’tsáhere, to the planet, to Onhwéntsia. All true medicine is connected to Katsi’tsáhere, and to Onhwéntsia. Goat, Kaia'tákerahs, is almost impossible to restrain. She is fearless and curious and will go places that other animals would never think to go. We lose too much of that Goat freedom as we progress through life. We become less and less curious and more afraid. Kaia'tákerahs reminds us of the great energy that comes when we open ourselves up to curiosity and become less controlled by our fears. Goat too is a master of balance. She can balance on things and in places that seem impossible. There is no impossible for Kaia'tákerahs, and it is in looking beyond what seems possible that we find out greatest balance. Goat never does not make me smile and she fills my heart with joy. And I am always pleased when Goat, when Kaia'tákerahs, chooses to make an appearance in my life.

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