Illness is the most heeded of doctors: to goodness and wisdom we only make promises; pain we obey.”
Marcel Proust

FRIDAY JAN 27: Rest day. Didn’t do much other than shop and walking dogs. Bunch of small things like cleaning the dog poop that was hidden by the snow out of the year. But my diet was much healthier today than it has been on my days off in the past. Meditate and read to wind down.
SATURDAY JAN 20: Started day with Smudge. Dog Run to Townson Fitness. Seated Yoga Series. Iaijutsu practice. (The point of Iaijutsu is to draw the sword, make the cut or cuts, and then return the sword to the scabbard in one fluid flowing motion. It’s been a long time since I practiced Japanese Sword, though I achieved a high level while I was practicing, so I’m starting out working with a Bokken, a wooden sword. The practice always begins in a kneeling position, with the focus on the breath, and, when practiced properly it becomes a form of flowing meditation, much like Qi Gong or Tai Chi. Thanks to Erin for asking to learn Sword, which has forced me to renew my own practice in order to teach.) Fairly busy day. Felt like I was very present and able to help others learn today, which makes it a good day for me. Home to a big, but pretty healthy meal. Stopped eating by 9. Old Japanese Sword movie (One of the Lone Wolf and Cub series, because I couldn’t get any of the Zatoichis to work.) Finished with the same sword theme that took up much of my day.

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