Atí:ron, Raccoon has been very present in my life of late. Raccoon is often seen as a pest and trouble maker, but she is also highly intelligent, resourceful and playful. She is the great thief of nature. And many know how difficult it is to stop her when she is determined to steal. Trouble makers knock the world off balance, reminding us that it is not nearly as solid and sure as we believe it be. This is just as true about each and any one of us. We convince ourselves and others that we are far more safe and secure than we actually are, and, in doing so, we rob ourselves of the possibility of true joy and freedom. Atí:ron knows that nothing belongs to us. That too is an illusion. The great thief is only seen as a thief because we convince ourselves that we can possess anything. Raccoon invites us to play and challenges us to let go. She comes to us in the darkness, as dreams come to us, because in dreams we can hold onto nothing. Atí:ron’s mask reminds us that identity too is merely an illusion. I am often guilty of these delusions of certainty, as we all are. Atí:ron seems to be inviting me to let go of these delusions, to give up and give away the far too many things that I cling to. I feel Raccoon inviting me to remember the sheer bliss of not owning, not grasping and not knowing that we are all born into. There is so much love and laughter to be found in mischief. There is so much opportunity to be found in just letting go.
#spiritanimal #shamanoracle #totem #raccoon #shaman #oracle #animaltotem


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