“It’s not the load that breaks you down. It’s the way you carry it.”
C. S. Lewis

THURSDAY JULY 26: Felt like a good night of deep sleep. Started day with Smudge. Partial Fast. Felt better than I did yesterday. Torque and Twist Plyometric Tabata Workout- Brief, for the same reason as this weeks other workouts, but with more intensity. Two Tabata Style Circuits, without rest, each of: Yard Sprints x 1 Lap with High Knee Bounds x 1 Lap, with Catch Plyo Pull Ups x 20, with Balance Cushion(This is the foam version that only challenges your balance a little, as opposed to the inflatable version) Push Ups x 20, with Balance Cushion Stiff Legged Hops x 100/ Yard Sprints x 1 Lap with Side High Knee Bounds x 1 Lap, with Extended Chest Level Band Twists x 50 Each Side, with Band Side to Side Pull Downs x 50 Each Side, with Balance Cushion High Knee Squat Jumps x 100/ Standing Series Yoga & Meditate. Dog Run to Townson Fitness. Trained a few people. Walk home to healthy Carnivore meals & hang out with Momo. Stopped eating by by 9 pm. Walked Momo with light Iaijutsu Cutting Practice, with Footwork. Old Orson Welles Movie to wind down.
SATURDAY JULY 28: Started the day with a Smudge. Standing Series Yoga. Meditate. Less humid cloudy day. Dog Run to Townson Fitness. A few trainees. Got in my own brief workout in between. MMA Based Functional Tabata Workout  2 Sets Each of:  Two Hand Cable Rope Front Lifts x 10,  with 1 Arm Squat, touching the floor with the opposite hand while maintaining good posture. and Overhead Press x 20, with Plate Behind the Head Circles x 20, with Bench Split Squat x 20 Each Leg/ Heavy Kettlebell Hip Swings x 20,  with 1 Arm Kettlebell Press and Roll, keeping the bell extended and pressed upwards x 20 Each Arm, with 1 Hand Trap Bar Rotation From Back to Front with No Added weight (Will post a video of this exercise on the HITTScarborourgh FB page and HITT_Pt on Instagram) x 20 Each Side/ 1 Arm Trap Bar High Pulls x 10 Each Side, with 1 Arm Trap Bar Front Swing  x 10 Each Side, 1 Arm Front to Back Sweeps with added weight. Stretching. Next Trainee. Home to Break Fast with a single meal of meat only. No carbs of any kind. Done by 9 pm. Walked Momo with Cutting Practice. Watched old Orson Welles movie to wind down.

#fitness #nutrition #fitnesstips #mma #fatburning #homeworkouts #boxing #hittscarborough #townsonfitness #wrestling #grappling #health #healthandfitness #diet #scarborough #CSLewis #JordanPeterson #FunctionalFitness #TabataTraining #CircuitTraining #FatBurning #boxing #japanesesword #Iaijutsu #CarnivoreDiet #JoeRogan #MikhailaPeterson #Seizures #LivingwithSeizures


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