This is my first time encountering Otsinó:wen, Mouse, as a Spirit Animal Tote Otsinó:wen m. My process is to read the many thoughts on each animal’s meaning and then to approach the Totem animals from what it stirs in my spirit. Mouse is said to represent attention to detail in that Mouse is always at work, always looking for something to do, even when that work serves no real purpose. We can all get caught up in that meaningless need to work. Our society and its mores is skewed to place our greatest value on hard work, even when that hard work has no meaning or purpose. We have to learn to recognize that play is a form of learning and that sometimes, just doing nothing is an opportunity to see the world around us as it really is. Otsinó:wen also speaks to me of how a small, seemingly fragile being can actually be incredibly strong and resilient. We are descended from small mammals, not very different than Otsinó:wen, which survived when the much larger animals could not. Otsinó:wen can fit into places that larger animals can not. She is resilient and determined. And she is strong in ways that are not obvious or easy to see. For me the message of Otsinó:wen, the message of Mouse, that speaks to me most clearly is that sometimes it is better to be small, flexible and still than to be large, loud and rigid in our ways. I hear you Mouse. I feel that part of me that is Otsinó:wen. And I shall go on my way today remembering that your way is the very reason that we are here.


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