Be N.E.A.T.

Be N.E.A.T.

Exercise is a good thing. 
It really is. 
But what you do for an hour or two is not going to make a huge difference if your other 22 are unhealthy. 
N.E.A.T., Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, is a concept that those of us in the fitness industry don’t talk enough about. To be honest because it doesn’t put anymoney in our pockets. N.E.A.T. refers to activities that boost your metabolism, no matter how slightly, that you can be doing throughout your day. Boosting your metabolism is not just essential for burning fat. It plays a major role in alertness and brain function, your ability to sleep and the way that every
organ in your body functions, including your skin, because it dictates circulation. It can be as small an activity as chewing gum, which uses up only 15 extra calories (But do that for the 16 hours you’re awake and you end up burning 260 extra calories), or squeezing an exercise ball, or as big as going for a walk or jumping up and down a few times every once in a while. I have a friend whose 71 year old father walks a few laps around his apartment every once in a while. Just doing that has staved off advanced diabetes and improved his blood pressure. 
Sitting in a chair is one of the most unhealthy things that you can do. Just getting up and standing every once in a while can make a difference. 
We’re not talking about exercise here. We’re just talking about keeping your metabolism from becoming too stagnant. We all know what happens to anything that is allowed to stagnate. So why do we think we can let out bodies
and brains stagnate? 
So if you don’t like chewing sugarless gum, trying squeezing a ball. Or bouncing a ball if you can get away with it. Try tapping your toes or your fingers (As long is it doesn’t annoy everyone around you, of course). Find a good reason to laugh every chance you get. Not only does that burn a few calories, it engages your core and just makes you feel a little better about your day. Wave your arms around every once in a while. Your co-workers and friends might think you’re nuts, but at least you’re not stagnating. 
Do a few stretches. That improves your circulation and will save you a lot of
pain in the long run. 
Think outside the box. 
Be a little silly if you can. 
I have another friend you likes to balance on one leg when no one’s around. Forcing your body to stabilize, even in much smaller ways than that, boosts your metabolism and improves your overall strength and flexibility. 
Anything that involves any part of your body moving is a good thing. 
It’s a start towards a healthier you. 
And that’s just... 
It’s pretty N.E.A.T.

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