Spirit of Wisdom

Coming as it does today, at this time in my life, together with Raónraon, Hummingbird, Spirit of Wisdom’s message seems to me clear and yet nothing like simple. Coming as it does, after so many years of fighting, of getting up from so many beatings and so much suffering, and just going on, when defiance and rage were the twin fires in my belly, seem have gone dim and now out and nothing seems left but ashes and nothing seems left but numbness and darkness, when it seems finally time that I should just stop, just end, the Spirit of Wisdom and Raónraon seem here to remind me that on some days and in some moments there is no inspiration, there is no fire and all that there is for then, for such moments is to Go On. Or as a character from David Milch’s Deadwood movie said, in that Milchian profane and profound way. to “Not go out as a *@#t.”. Even if it never gets better, even if the accumulated pain seems nothing more to me than a pile of ashes and detritus that I have become buried in and nothing seems to have any purpose anymore except to decay, then the Spirit of Wisdom and Raónraon say to me just Go On. It may not seem profound. It may not seem in any way beautiful or sage. But the ashes and the coldness are not eternal just as nothing is eternal, not even pain and not even the end is the end then what I am given today is Go On, because you will Go On. Just Go On. And if it gets worse then it cannot stay worse and if it gets better then it cannot stay better and perhaps that is the greatest Wisdom of all. That this is not permanent. That I am not permanent. That, like the Hummingbird I must move from one moment to the next and there may be nectar waiting and there may not be. But I Will Go On. And if that is not Wisdom, if that is not the Spirit of Wisdom embodied, then Raónraon and I will still Go On and there is at least a tomorrow of some kind. And tomorrow we will do the same. And if that is all that there is, if that is all there ever will be, it is enough for now. And it is, for me, for this moment, for this today, the Spirit of Wisdom.

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