Pandemic Training Diary Week 4 Day 1

Pandemic Training Diary
Week 4 Day 1
I started day 1, Week 4 with yet another good night’s sleep. I’m actually taking advantage of having a less rigid schedule to sleep in. After years of working in bars my body is used to falling asleep late. I’ve been struggling to correct that, not very successfully. But this Pandemic actually means that I don’t have to be anywhere, so I don’t have to force a change on my body. While it was a grey day, with some scattered rain, I managed to get outdoors for my Shadowboxing Workout. (See my past post at: for a description of my approach to this exercise.) I added more footwork into this workout, including Change Ups and firing the Combinations while up on my toes and in motion. This includes firing Punches and Combinations while backing up. I was one of those trainers who stressed never backing straight up to my fighters, but I’ve come to realize that, that while this is true in theory, it doesn’t take into account what will happen in real life, in the ring or in the cage. The fact is that it is often the Opponent’s goal to force you to back straight up and take away every other option. Just think of the Wilder/Fury fight where Fury forced Wilder to fight off of his back foot and Wilder could not fight the way he normally fights. In MMA, Chuck Lidell’s great innovation was to fire that overhand as he was backing up and his opponent was walking forward right into the punch. The MMA cage is larger than a ring, which gave Lidell more of an option, but this can work just as well in Boxing. Think of Marquez knocking Pacquiao out with that exact same punch. It remains the goal, particularly in the boxing ring, not to back straight up if you don’t have to and not too often as it makes you very easy to track, trap and hurt. But it’s a good idea to plan for all eventualities and incorporate that into your training. I followed that up with a Seated Hatha Yoga and Meditation indoors. As always Day 1 meant a 36 Hour Fast. Got some rest, did some writing and correspondence. Then a Walk with a Walking Stick and Stairs x 8. As I said before this is not a huge set of stairs, but I was sucking wind by the last few. Normally I don’t struggle at all. I use a variety of sizes and weights of walking sticks and, when I walk in the dark on the trails as in this case, I work on various weapons techniques in order to incorporate my upper body, but only when there’s no one around. Don’t want to freak people out. Walked Benji with Yoga Stretching and Breathing. Since Benji is a sniffer more than a walker I will often do other things while he is sniffing such as walking along the curb where there is one rather than the sidewalk or grass. While this is not a huge challenge to balance for me it’s enough of one to engage my coordination and it allows me to play a bit, obviously when there’s no one around. There’s an old Hindu saying: “Blessed is he who can retain some of his childhood. To retain all of it is madness. To retain none of it is death.”. Particularly at times like these, and even as a 58 year old, I try to make a point of playing when I can. The wonderful thing about Benji is that he doesn’t give me much of a choice. I make a point of wrestling with him and playing his favourite game of keep away, where he runs around the yard and I try to catch him almost every single day. It doesn’t just make him feel better. I always feel lighter after playing with him, even on those days when I’m depressed, in pain, or just not in the mood. Home to do some writing. Some reading. And then Relaxation Yoga and Meditation to wind it all down.

That’s it for Day 1, Week 4. So far so good...

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