Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 2 Week 4 Days 6 & 7

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 2 Week 4 Days 6 & 7
I started day 6, Week 4 of Phase 2 after a rough night. Just couldn’t sleep. The Sciatica wasn’t all that bad, maybe a 4 or 5. But it was enough to wake me whenever I turned in bed, which I do a lot. Went to bed earlier and got up earlier. Full Fast today. Another beautiful day, which allowed me to work freely in the yard. Started out with a Bodyweight Tabata style Workout (See my past post at: for a fuller description of these exercises).  2 Sets of 2 Circuits of: Yard Bounds x 2 Laps + Assisted Wide Grip Pull Ups x 50 + Walking Lunges x 10 Forward and 10 Backward + Push Ups x 50. 50 Push Ups wasn’t a struggle anymore, but kept it down to 50 because I’m also trying to avoid Overtraining. Butt Kicks x 2 Laps + Assisted Narrow Grip Pull Ups x 50 + Walking Lunges out to Side x 10 Forward and 10 Backward + Push Ups x 50. Seated Yoga and Meditate. Had just enough time left over to work on Urquidez Style Basic Knees and Kicks. Then Walk. Boxing Work with a client maintaining Social Distancing. A longer more intense Walk. Did some writing and rested. Maintained Fast. Back was a bit tight, but went for a Walk with Stick work to keep my Metabolism up. One of the issues with Fasting is that your Metabolism can quickly become sluggish, your body’s natural behaviour is to preserve energy. So I Walked at a very brisk pace and did 6 sets of Stairs. I was hoping that with the increased cloud cover there would be fewer people outside but the trails were very crowded and many people were not maintaining Social Distance. Many of those people were wearing Face Masks and Gloves but were crowded together and in groups. It reminded me of an instance when I was in the military. At the time Canada was not engaged in any military actions and so our budget was very low. We were still carrying heavy and awkward Belgian FNs and there weren’t enough flack jackets to go around. When we went on maneuvers with U.S. Special Forces they gave us all flack jackets. Suddenly good soldiers became idiots because they felt invulnerable. I don’t want to sound like a government clone broken record. I’m very big on individual rights. But PPE should not trump common sense or decency. (I can’t tell you how many discarded masks and gloves I saw on the ground in the parks.) Even if you care about nothing but yourself, if you don’t want the government to have to close the public spaces back down, grow the f#*^ up. Don’t hang out in packs. Don’t walk shoulder to shoulder and take up the whole path or sidewalk. Take responsibility for keeping distance by moving to one side and not expecting everybody else to get out of your way. Okay. Rant done. On a good note I saw a Mockingbird and a pair of Bluejays. Both birds have become rare in Eastern Toronto. And at least they had the sense to maintain Social Distance. (Okay. Done for real now...) Rested for a bit and let it get good and dark before walking Benji. Brought a lighter stick and did some stick work. Wasn’t able to do much on my walk. Yoga Stretching and Breathing on the way back. Inversion Table Stretch and Progressive Relaxation for that tight back. More reading. Bed earlier. Think I slept.
Up earlier than I intended or wanted to on Day 7. Felt okay. Felt like I got enough sleep. But that often doesn’t show until later on in the day. Stayed indoors. Did some writing and social media stuff. Ate well. Healthy. Tiredness really started to hit me. Definitely didn’t get enough sleep. Not a big deal for one day. But when it starts to extend into more than one I become at risk for seizures, and being tired often leads to restlessness at night for me, pain and inflammation, which turns into a vicious cycle. Diet not so great later. But not nearly as bad as it often gets when I’m tired. TV to wind down. Bed a little earlier.
That’s it for Days 6 & 7, Phase 2 Week 4. So far so... Not good. But not done either.

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