Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 1 Days 4 and 5

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 1 Days 4 and 5
I started day 4, Week 1 of Phase 3 after another good night’s sleep. Slept in and pulled a Descartes, just lying in bed halfway between sleep and wakefulness. Had nothing urgent to do. When I finally got up, took a while to get going. Suspension Tabata Style Training (See my past post at: for a description of these exercises). 2 Sets of 2 Circuits of: Yard Sprints x 4 + Suspension Push Ups x 100 + Suspension Supported Pistol Squats x 50 Each Leg + Suspension Rows x 100. Side Crossover Yard Sprints x 4 + Suspension Pullovers Facing the Straps x 100 + Suspension Assisted Side Kick Squats x 50 Each Leg + Suspension Pullovers Facing Away from the Straps x 100. Thought this is a new Phase and the routine should be changing the combination of heat and humidity with a very tight and sore Back, Sciatica led me to stick to the simple and the familiar. Plow Series Yoga. Full 24 Hour Fast. Wrote. Read. Walked Benji with Stick Work. He’s definitely doing better, though still not back to normal, More writing. Reading. Relaxation Yoga and Meditation with Inversion Table Sit Ups x 3 x 10, Stretch, Progressive Relaxation and Meditation. Definitely helps with the bad back. Rest and Read.
Day 5 was a rest day. Not sure if it’s the humidity or something else, but the Sciatica has taken a bit of step backwards. Woke up in bad pain, maybe a 9 or 10. Better as the day went on and I moved around, down to maybe a 5 or 6. Kept my diet clean. Watched TV. Rested my mind and body. Only outside to walk Benji. Tired too. Cranky. Not sure if that’s from lack of sleep or the humidity. Some days are just going to be not so great days at my age, having lived the full contact life that I’ve lived. More TV. Bed early. 
That’s it for Days 4 & 5, Phase 3 Week 1. So far so... Not good. But not done either.

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