Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 2B Days 2 & 3

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 2B Days 2 & 3
Day 2, Week 2B of Phase 3 started out with less pain. No headaches and the Sciatica was down to a 5 or 6. Started out with Iaijutsu Training (See my past posts at: for a description of this Japanese Sword system). Because this system starts from a kneeling position and transitions to a standing position it’s very tough on the legs but the stress on an upright upper body avoids any stress on my spine. Perfect for overcoming the Sciatica. I can’t do Barbell Squats with much weight because of my spine and knees, so this is one way of strengthening my legs so that they can carry the stress rather than my back. You can do simple walk ups from a kneeling position if you’re not interested or don’t have Sword available to you. It was another beautiful day out. We would often perform each series with our eyes closed in order to emphasize feel rather than sight when I was learning Sword, but I can’t do this when Benji’s in the yard with me, for obvious reasons. I use an unsharpened Sword to train, but it is still dangerous in that you are cutting the air with high grade steel. I followed this with a Lying Yoga and Meditation series. Finally broke my Fast with healthy nutritious small meals. It’s important not to break a Fast, if you’re going to do one, with starchy unhealthy or too large amounts of food. Because you have starved your body its natural reflex is to store fat in case this happens again. If you eat too much or if you eat junk it encourages this to happen. Too starchy or sugary food can cause an Insulin spike, which might not only lead to stored fat but towards diabetes. I Fast more for discipline and to give my liver a break. The meds that I’m on (There’s a lot of them now...) can stress the liver, so, for me, Fasting is more of a way of compensating for this than anything else. I sat outside and did some writing and some reading. Then did some shopping. Some more writing. Relaxation Yoga and Inversion Table Progressive Relaxation, Stretch and Meditate. Think I got a decent night’s sleep.
Day 3 was a Rest Day. Visited with some friends. Walked Benji. Watched TV. Bed a bit late. Somewhat restless, but did sleep.
That’s it for Days 2 & 3, Phase 3 Week 2B. So far so... Not bad. Compared to last week, not bad at all.

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