Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 2B Day 1

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 2B Day 1
I started day 1, Week 2B of Phase 3 still in pain but determined to take action. The deal that I made with myself today was that I would try to exercise, but be very careful not to injure myself worse, and be forgiving and accepting around what I can manage to do and what I can’t. Started the week with a full 36 hour Fast. Started the day with Shadowboxing, which was a perfect way to start out in many ways because it is adaptable to my limitations. (See my past post at: for a description of my approach to this exercise).  Was able to move through, though not with any speed or force, and found my coordination very limited. Boxing is something that I have literally been doing for over 50 years. I started at a very young age. And usually I find that, while I am sometimes limited in what I can do, the coordination around things like Feints and Footwork just naturally kicks in as I go. That didn’t happen today. I took this as a kind of warning system, as a reminder that my body isn’t there yet. I took my time and was very careful. I accepted that the coordination that I’ve always been able to depend on when it comes to Boxing and Martial Arts just wasn’t there today. I kept it brief and simple. Followed that up with Seated Yoga and Meditation. Tried to be very aware of where my flexibility was limited and the fragile spaces in my body, particularly around my Spine and Hips. It was a beautiful day out. Sunny but not humid. Being outside was very relaxing. And it got Benji outside, which I hope is helping him recover as well. As I’ve spoken about before, Benji has seemed to regress back to a place where he’s afraid to go outside. When he first came to us he was terrified of both myself and the yard. He’s not afraid of me anymore. But for some reason the back yard frightens him again. He will go outside if I’m there. And I’m hoping that the more he finds that he can be outside without anything bad happening the less fear he’ll have about being outside. This motivates me to spend time in the yard. It’s far easier for me to justify in my mind if I feel like I’m helping someone, particularly a non human, who I identify more easily with than most human beings. Rewarded myself with a nice hot bath. That helped my back and gave me an excuse to clean and shave. (I rarely have to shave, which means I’ve never been good at it. And part of my Depression often manifests in a lack of personal grooming.). Wrote. Haven’t written in a while. It was good to play with words again. Went for a Walk. Just a Walk. Did bring a Walking Stick, but only to assist in my balance and remind me not to hunch over, which leads to Back Pain. Walked Benji. I owe him a few long Walks. Missed out on 2 nights Walking him. Making that up to him now. Inversion Table Sit Ups, Stretch and Progressive Relaxation. Wrote some more. Then Relaxation Yoga and Inversion Table Stretch, Progressive Relaxation and Meditation. This definitely helps the Sciatica. What started at an 8 or 9 was down to a 6 or 7. Still not great, but more bearable. Read to wind down. Try to set aside 3 to 4 days a week where I don’t turn on the TV and spend more time reading and writing.
That’s it for Day 1, Phase 3 Week 2B. So far so... Still not great. But not lost in the darkness anymore, either...

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