Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 3 Day 1

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 3 Day 1
I started day 1, Week 3 of Phase 3, groggy and dizzy. Felt like I slept. Not sure if this is just a new thing for me or if I’m not sleeping deeply. Been groggy and dizzy the last few days. For most of my life when I woke up I woke up wide awake, and just moving was enough to wake me up even more. Never needed coffee or any artificial stimulants. I would just get up and start moving. Started out with Shadowboxing. (See my past post at: for a description of my approach to this exercise).  Included Footwork and more movement than last week. Normally that would be enough to clear my head and be alert. But the fog just wasn’t lifting today. Worked from my Opposite Lead and started a new Combination. Usually I’ll put together a combination and work it through two weeks, in standard Lead one week and then Opposite the next. Will often use that same combination with my clients. This week was definitely supposed to be Opposite Lead, but was also due for a new combination, so things are kind of backwards for some reason. Went for a Walk with a friend. Then Wrote and did some social media. Grogginess cleared up a bit, but never felt fully alert and present. Walked Benji with Stick Work. Back and Hips really bothering me. Inversion Table Sit Ups, Progressive Relaxation, Stretch and Yoga to deal with Sciatic Pain. Wrote some more. Read. Relaxation Yoga with Inversion Table Work. Read to wind down.
That’s it for Day 1, Phase 3 Week 3. So far so... Good. Stuck to my schedule and did everything that I was supposed to do. So, definitely, good.

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