Pandemic Fitness Diary Phase 3 Week 3 Days 4 & 5

Pandemic Fitness Diary
Phase 3 Week 3 Days 4 & 5
Day 4, Week 3 of Phase 3, started very badly for me. Was in Pain all night and got no sleep. When I finally got out of bed I had another massive Migraine and I could hardly walk or straighten up because of the Sciatic Pain. Was very tempted to throw in the towel for the day. But I know how this can spiral for me. So I made a deal with myself that I would do what I was supposed to do, but not push myself in anyway and to accept the limitations of what I could and couldn’t do. Started out with the Bodyweight Tabata Style Workout. (See my past post at: for a description of these exercises).  It was another beautiful day outside. Just getting out in the yard was its own small victory. And sometimes, some days, that’s got to be enough. Small victories. I moved very slowly and awkwardly through 2 Sets of 2 Circuits: Yard Bounds x 2 (This was a tough one with my Back Pain. I barely got off the ground and accepted that I couldn’t get my knee very high.) + Assisted Wide Grip Chins x 20 + Walking Lunges x 10 Forward and 10 Backward + Push Ups x 50 (Been breezing through 50 reps lately. But today was sucking wind and really struggled just to manage 50 with good form.). Butt Kicks x 2 Laps + Assisted Narrow Grip Chins x 20 + Sidestep Walking Lunges x 10 Forward and 10 Backward + 50 Push Ups with Hands Above Shoulders. Normally just moving helps ease the pain and stiffness. Today it didn’t. Still. Another small victory that I made it all the way through. Seated Yoga and Meditation. This also didn’t make the pain any better. Normally it does. Sometimes the Meditation also reduces the pain. Today was one of those days when the Meditation only helped to change the way I was thinking about the pain. Small victories. Sat outside. Mostly lied on the lawn. Did manage to do some writing, which is more than a small victory today. Inside to deal with my Social Media and Input and Edit the writing. Walked Benji with Stick Weapons work. Made sure that it was a nice long Walk to make up for the one that I missed yesterday. Home to do some more Writing. Read to wind down. Had another rough night. Pain and hardly any sleep. Nothing I can’t handle though.
Day 5 was a Rest Day. Good thing. I was having a hard time just functioning. TV and bed rest. Walked Benji. Other than that, just rested and tried not to dwell entirely in the darkness.
That’s it for Days 4 & 5, Phase 3 Week 3. So far so... Not good. But not close to done either.

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