the whys

Please don’t worry. I’m not about to kill myself. Just giving voice to the darkness….(And I've been reading a lot of Rimbaud and Poe....)

TRIGGER WARNING: Very dark thoughts being expressed.

the whys

i have made my bed
on bloodstained sheets
on the fecund misery and heartache
that trades passion for blindness
where once there was fire
i have covered in the ashes of my guilt
it grows cold and cobwebbed 
it festers in disconsolate waste
o when did i stop caring
o when did i stop breathing
o when did i become a moldering corpse
o when did i grow so ancient
i chose this place to rest
i made this bed
i surrendered all desire
i smothered all the fire
i cast off all my passions
i burned off all my hopes
why did i lie on bloodstained sheets
why did i tarry in misery and heartache
trade passion for blindness
i do not remember why
yet here i lie
here i lie
with no memory of why
with no memory of the lie
with which i made my whys

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