the blight

Another attempt at Ripper fiction….
TRIGGER WARNING: I really tried to get inside the killer’s head for this one and was shocked reading my own work just how vile and hateful the thoughts that got expressed actually were. This should not be read by anyone who is uncomfortable with violence, madness or misogynistic thinking… 
(I want to add that this is me trying to think like the killer. This is not my personal opinion or anything that even resembles my personal view of the world.)

the blight

they must be culled.
these filthy beasts these dirty cows worse than cows pigs sows these filthy sows are everywhere wallowing in their filth spreading their filth everywhere and it must be stopped these sows these stinking sows must be cut down they must be culled like the filthy animals that they are.
they wear their dirty rags the only things they own and they walk the streets drunk and drunken and spew their fetid gin soaked breath at any man or woman who passes  them these stinking whores are not human are nothing like human they spread disease and filth everywhere they go and like the sows that they are they must be butchered they must be cut down and have their sex their remnants of humanity cut from their bodies so that no one can mistake them for women for human beings because they are not they are a blight on whitechapel on the entire world and if we do not want to share their sties with them we must butcher them before they turn us all into beasts into pigs like them.
they don’t see it.
they don’t see it.
all these people walking these streets they have become so used to the filth and the sows the whores that they don’t even see it anymore. they walk and talk and laugh in the filth that the sows spread and they do not see that it is the sows the pigs the whores that are spreading the filth everywhere.
they must be culled.
they must be cut down.
they must be butchered and slaughtered like the pigs they are the sows they are and once i am done with them once i am done with the whores then i can look to the other filth the filth of all women.
all women are filthy.
they are no better than the whores no better than sows themselves they draw us into filthy thoughts and filthy behaviour there man there is adam and then there is eve all women who are pigs who are sows with their filthy sex and filthy bodies even the ones who clean themselves those from better stations than the sows here they cannot clean the filth from their souls from their being from their very sex and it is only by erasing that sex altogether by cutting it out of them that they can be made clean at least in death.
they too must be culled.
they too must be cut down and butchered like pigs.
but first the most filthy sows of all the filthy whores the disease ridden stinking sows they must be destroyed first and they must be butchered without mercy of any kind their throats must be slashed and then they must be opened up and the offending organs removed so that all that is left is the meat the meat not clean but free of the filth that made it alive. these filthy gin soaked whores these sows must be cleansed they must be butchered and cleansed not just of life but of the filth in their bodies and in their minds their gin soaked minds their gin soaked mines of disease and evil thoughts.
i can hear their thoughts.
i can hear their filthy whore filthy sow thoughts and it eats at my mind at my soul and if i do not act quickly then i will be as diseased as them and as dull as the cattle who walk these streets without seeing or hearing drowning in their filth and disease but not know that they are drowning or that they are lost. 
they cannot see the blight because they do not know anything but the blight. they cannot hear the filthy thoughts and those who spread the filth are the ones who will not be blamed for nothing.
the sows.
the whores.
the bitches who are nothing more than whores in that they always take something when they give you their sex their disease and they leave it behind their filth their disease the dirty bitches the whores they are all whores.
and them. the others. those who have come here wallowing in their filth from whatever sties they come from they too will not be blamed and they too must be culled.
but first the whores.
first the whores.
they stink. wearing all the clothes they own never bathing never washing the pigs stink worse than any sow wallowing in their own filth pissing right in front of people loud and stinking and filthy they’re not human beings anymore if they ever were all that they’re good for is spreading their filth nothing more than meat they should be butchered they should have anything that makes them sows cut out and thrown on the ground in the filth in their own filth these stinking rotting animals these pigs these sows deserve to die to be cut into that’s all they’ll ever be good for these whores these sows these pigs.
my knives are sharp and ready and when i begin i will butcher the thing like the animal the stinking sow that it is. i will cut out her insides and lay them on the filthy ground i will erase her sex with my knives so sharp and i will cull them from the herd and on that night that morning there will be one less stinking pig walking this filthy earth one less sow spreading her filth everywhere that she goes i will do it and there will be blood and entrails and butchering until the sow is truly a pig nothing more than meat rotten on the inside and the out these pigs these animals these sows shall be culled and my knife shall cut into them again and again and again for they will know the fullness of my fury my righteous wrath that they walk this earth that they spread their disease and their filth and their stink they shall know and when there is one less i will strike again and again leaving the meat to rot in the dark alleys and the streets just where they wallow where they belong in their own filth lifeless and no longer able to spread their putrid filth.
i will do it.
i will most certainly do it.
in that moment they will know and i will know that the blight that is these pigs will be cut down again and again as many as it takes until their filthy bodies and their gin sodden faces are no more just rotting meat left on the ground.
i will do it.
i will do it.
i will clean these streets i will wash them with the blood of whores i will gut them the sows the whores and they are all whores even those who do not seem to be whores they are all pigs even those who do not appear to be pigs they are all sows they are all beasts they are all refuse they are all filthy mindless beasts and beasts should be slaughtered they should be cut down they should be culled and i will do it i will do it.
i watch them. i hear them. i hear their thoughts i see them on the streets i see them from my window and their filthy minds they disgust me they fill me with loathing they make me nauseous and angry and filled with rage blood rage blood red rage these disgusting creatures these chattel these filthy wallowing beasts no bonnet no clothing can hide their lowness their filth their mindless meaningless existence i will cut them down and i will cut them open and leave their innards for the daws to peck at these beasts these pigs these whores.
i will cut them down.
i will cut them all down.
my knives are sharp and i am ready.
they must be culled.
they will be culled.

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