Spirit of Love

 Spirit of Love

Coming today in conjunction with Butterfly, Tsiktsinenná:wen, Spirit of Love, speaking to me of my beloved friend, is clear and absolute in what it is saying. You are so Loved, my friend. You always have been Loved and you always will be Loved, just as you always been a Butterfly. You are in my heart. You are in so many hearts. In this difficult moment do not forget that Love, like Tsiktsinenná:wen, can fly. You soar in all of our hearts and in all of our eyes. I love you. I have never stopped loving you. I will never stop loving you. And any thing, any soul, that is so deeply loved by so many, can never be anything less than a beautiful and perfect Butterfly, Love in all of its greatest colour and glory. You are never out of my thoughts. You are never out of my prayers. I have failed to put my body there for you of late, but my heart and my thoughts and all my love have always been with you and will always been with you. Know this. Know this my beloved friend. You are Tsiktsinenná:wen, you are a Butterfly. And you are Loved. You are and always will be Beloved.

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