This is not our day (National Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2021)

 This is not our day

(National Indigenous Peoples’ Day 2021)
Jules F. Delorme

This is not our day
This is not our day
You cannot own a day
But we ask
We merely ask
That you remember
Just remember
Not that we were here first
But that we exist
That we are here
That we are still here
That our suffering matters
As much as yours
That our children matter
As much as yours
That our children matter
As much as yours
And that the past
Can leave scars in the present
That we want to move forward
We want to move forward
As much as you
But that the pain
Can haunt you
Through generations
Like rings in a pond
When you do not even know
Who threw the rock
Or that the rock was thrown
On this day
On this day
We only ask
We only ask
That you remember
That we are here
That we are still here


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