
Showing posts from November, 2018

Josh Barnes is really, really into compression gear...

Josh Barnes    ✌ ‏   @ carsonsbigdaddy   18h 18 hours ago You've heard of compression socks. Well I have compression jeans. All of them unfortunately. #funny #humour #humor #laughs #jokes #joshbarnes

But it gives them a bad case of the munchies...

Image #science #sciencenews #biology #ecology #bees #hemp #cannabis

Gut bacteria and diabetes may be connected #science #sciencenews #biology #health #fitness #healthnews #HITT_Scarborough #HITT_Pt #fitnessnews #aging #diabetes #gutbacteria


sam cooke on the radio. save the last dance. old home glides by. the river. my tóta and her fallen stone. rain on the window. blood red leaves in the roadside marsh. broken down farm houses by the highway. not the same old water tower that i used to climb. watch the trucks go by. not the town i remember. not my home. but i walked these woods as a boy. or something like these woods. even with the windows closed i can smell the river. or maybe that’s just in my head. it’s cold and clean now. the river. not the weed choked stinking sludge that i knew when i was a boy. not the mighty man killer that my ancestors knew. not kaniatarowanenneh. something else now. this river. new name. a saint from some far away place. some far away time. i left a me behind here. in these woods. by this river. on the island where my tóta lived. in the catholic cemetery where she never wanted to be buried. where someone has knocked over her stone. sam cooke sings on and


“He who knows, does not say. He who says, does not know.” Lao Tzu Coming today in conjunction with Otsinó:wen, Mouse, The Ancestor of Knowing reminds me that Knowing is not something that Needs to be seen. Knowing is different than knowledge in that way. Sometimes true Knowing is a a small, seemingly insignificant, seemingly frail thing, more like Otsinó:wen, without bluster or need to draw attention to itself. When we say that ‘Knowledge is power’ we too often mean that it is something that can be used against others and to assert our dominance over others. But the Power of Knowing is a personal Power. Not a selfish Power, or one that needs to be hidden and hunched over like some bauble that we mistake for treasure. But a Power that does not need to be inflicted or forced on others. Knowing can be as small and as fragile seeming as a Mouse. Our Ancestors understood this. Our Ancestors Knew this. But we too often have to be taught. We too have to be reminded. Because we too oft


OTSINÓ:WEN, MOUSE – SPIRIT ANIMAL This is my first time encountering Otsinó:wen, Mouse, as a Spirit Animal Tote Otsinó:wen m. My process is to read the many thoughts on each animal’s meaning and then to approach the Totem animals from what it stirs in my spirit. Mouse is said to represent attention to detail in that Mouse is always at work, always looking for something to do, even when that work serves no real purpose. We can all get caught up in that meaningless need to work. Our society and its mores is skewed to place our greatest value on hard work, even when that hard work has no meaning or purpose. We have to learn to recognize that play is a form of learning and that sometimes, just doing nothing is an opportunity to see the world around us as it really is. Otsinó:wen also speaks to me of how a small, seemingly fragile being can actually be incredibly strong and resilient. We are descended from small mammals, not very different than Otsinó:wen, which survived when the much

His name is Knickers

But I double dog dare you to call him that to his face... #knickersthecow #knickersthesteer #knickersthebull #knickers

Conan O'Brien is going to celebrate a truly traditional Thanksgiving

Conan O'Brien ‏ Verified account   @ConanOBrien   4h 4 hours ago More Having an authentic Thanksgiving celebration this year. I’m giving my family smallpox. #funny #humor #humour #laughs #thanksgiving #conanobrien

Nuclear 'Knots' could unlock secrets of the atom

Image #science #sciencenews #physics #physicsnews #atoms #nuclearknots