
Showing posts from May, 2021

Unearthed (To the Two Hundred and Fifteen)

  Un- Earthed by Jules F. Delorme 215 Two Hundred and Fifteen Children Innocent Souls Un-Earthed That is the number we know That is just the number we know today That is just the number found today They once said it was Fifty They once said it was none Two Hundred and Fifteen And there are so many more So many more The People have always known The People have always known that so many were lost So many were lost So many Un-Earthed How do we begin to count? How do we add up all the souls all the spirits Kill the Indian Save the Man Just Kill the Indian And still And still So many bodies So many murdered souls So many names that we do not know And so many that we do Names like Colton Boushie and Kimberly Squirrel Why? Why do you hate us so? Or is it worse? Is it that you just don’t care? You lower your flags And tomorrow you forget But we cannot We cannot Two Hundred and Fifteen is just one more number It does not tell the story It cannot tell our story It does not tell of the pain in my   This crushes my heart. 215 children! My Tota and my Grandfather were survivors of residential schools. Survivors. My prayers and thoughts will be with these 215 souls today.

78 Days In The Pines - Let's Talk Native #541


Bukowski - We are here to laugh...


conversation with robin

conversation with robin by jules f. delorme robin, tsiskó:ko, stopped to speak to me today. -i am just a little tsiskó:ko. i am just a little robin. – she said to me –perhaps you have a worm for me. -i do not. – i said to her –i am sorry robin. i am truly sorry tsiskó:ko. but i do not have a worm for you. -perhaps during your smudging you spotted a worm or a nice spider. – tsiskó:ko said to me. -i am so sorry robin but i do not. you have such a pretty song. i would catch a worm or a spider for you if i saw one. but i was praying to sky woman and i was looking up at her. i am truly sorry. robin stood there looking at me and i sat there looking at her. -i am here everyday. - tsiskó:ko said to me –i hop around your lawn and i see you and you see me. sometimes i get chased by your cat, your takó's. your dog does not chase me, your é:rhar does not chase me. i like your é:rhar. i do not like your takó's. -i am very sorry about the takó's. he is not my takó's. he is a crazy c