Interestingly enough, Dancer of Joy was the Shaman symbol that appeared to me during my New Year’s ceremonies this year. Coming on the day when my thoughts and prayers were with my niece, Tabitha, her husband, Mike, and my great nephew Hudson, on the day when Hudson came into this world, and coming together with the spirit of Okwari, the spirit of the Bear, the spirit animal of my Tóta’s Clan, Dancer of Joy makes my heart and my spirit Dance with Joy. The courage and strength of Hudson’s parents and the presence of Okwari fills me with sureness that Hudson will be kept safe. That Hudson was and is so very full of life tells me that he will indeed find ways to Dance with Joy. Like Okwari, and like your Great Great Tóta, Dancer of Joy will be with you wherever you might go, Hudson. I hope that you will never lose the awareness that they are always there. And I hope that you Dance with Joy every single day of the rest of your life.

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